Bowmans Awards


              AFB BB         BH  CL         FS         HT LB  PV UL TBH      TD

Master 620 650 660 710 700 620 600 500 800 630

Gold 570 585 595 650 640 570 540 460 720 578

Silver 500 530 540 595 580 500 480 390 660 510

Bronze 425 480 490 535 520 425 410 320 610 456

3 Arrows 404 456 466 508 494 404 390 304 580 433

2 Arrows 384 433 442 483 469 384 370 289 551 412

1 Arrow 364 412 420 459 446 364 352 274 523 391

The rules are simple: Shoots are held on the first Saturday of every even month. It's Big Game scoring using double scoring, so you must shoot in a group.

To achieve master Bowman Award you have to achieve the score twice.

Only one attempt can be made and that must be on the day of the shoot.